This one has been long overdue since I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award for a couple of months now. I’m thrilled to have been nominated by Marya from The Beautravel Blog and would like to thank her for the same.
What is The Sunshine Blogger Award?
So, The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community. It is awarded by bloggers to new bloggers to recognise their colourful efforts and offer them the much needed support as they take their first steps. And I think it’s a great way to know more about the person behind the blog!
Also Read: And now, I get Nominated for the Liebster Award !
The Rules of Sunshine Blogger Award
- Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions the bloggers asked you.
- Nominate up to 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
These are the question I was asked by Marya
What’s the first stamp you got on your very first passport? And why did you go there?
It’s almost shocking that I still haven’t ventured out of my country yet (I was very close to stepping into Myanmar). I’ve always believed in finding out what lies in my backyard before I go to check out someone else’s. But being the vast, varied and amalgam of cultures that India is; I feel that there is still a lot left to explore here before I find my feet in a foreign land.
But my first real travelling experience happens to be the time I went to North East India. A region isolated from the rest of India, predominantly tribal, where not many go- It has developed a very unique culture of its own and mother earth seemed to have unleashed her magic in these parts.
Tell me one memorable thing that happened during that trip.
It wouldn’t be fair to pick one moment. But, I was pleasantly surprised by the timelessness of Majuli. An island in the middle of Brahmaputra, it was as if I had travelled back to simpler times. With the whole place radiating an old world charm, where families were living in complete bliss- without the chaos of the city life and a place where traditional forms of art were still practised. I doubt anyone can forget feeling at peace surrounded by a positive aura.
You can read more about my experience at Majuli here.
Do you have any favourite blog/blogger? What/who would that be and why?
A travel blogger that is very dear to my heart is Shivya. It was a difficult time where I had just been through a horrible accident. I was unable to move or turn; I couldn’t even keep my back straight without support. In those six months, I was surrounded by the same four walls and that was what I had for a view. Shivya’s blog among many others- were my window to the outside world. And I started to see more of a purpose in travelling than the vacation and getaway we were taught it was from our early childhood. Frankly, I would never have discovered how naturally blogging came to me if I hadn’t discovered her blog that day.
What is the main reason that got you into blogging?
I was introduced to the blogging world during a very difficult phase of my life. And in that difficult phase, the only solace I found was in the words of others. I discovered the power stories held within them, and the absolute delight I felt when I dived head first into one. I read books and blogs every waking hour in those times. I travelled without taking a single step- they were my window to the outside world. And gradually started transforming into a storyteller- wanting to fill the world with stories and thoughts that were kept repressed within me for so long. So, I decided to start a blog about just that- finding stories and sharing them with the world.
If there’s one thing that you’ve learned from blogging, what would that be?
Since I started my journey as a blogger, I can’t really say that the learning has come to a standstill. I learnt about the art of writing and right now it’s the form I’ve chosen for self-expression and I find myself getting better at it, every time I write. I’ve learnt how to run a Blog, a bit about Website Design and a little about graphic design. I can say I’ve got pretty good at Photoshop and Photography and the whole post-processing. I’ve learnt about internet regulations and how to pitch myself and how to get work. I learn at every step in my journey and I don’t think it’ll ever stop.
If you could write something to the 15-year-old you, what would you write?
Dear Prerana,
I know you feel depressed right now, I know you can’t wait to be an adult and break away from your shackles. You wonder why you can’t speak up, feel isolated from your peers and why no one seems to be making an attempt to understand you. I understand that you are getting aware of your sexuality and crave for a romantic relationship but just can’t seem to understand the opposite sex. I see you discovering and curious about your peers desperately wanting to know what goes on in the mind of the male mind. I know you have body positivity issues, and you cry yourself to sleep because you can’t seem to fit into the society’s beauty standards. And now, you wonder how I know so much about your life. But, heed what I say because I know this phase and time feels endless, but keep holding on kiddo. It’s going to be nasty, lots of hardships and a lot you’ll have to go through. But fret not, there are some of the best moments in store for you. You’re going to turn into the most beautiful version of yourself. You’ll discover the person you are and what really matters in our universe. And don’t you agonise over guys because soon enough you’ll have enough male attention; love life that could fill up pages but no lovers to talk of. You’re going to be a person viewed as “strong” and you’ll learn your actual priorities- YOU! And you’re going to be LOVE, the very feeling itself and just maybe you’ll start becoming your name for people; PRERANA- An Inspiration.
Love always,
Your older self
If you could write something to you 10 years from now, what would that be?
Hi Prerana,
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. Though if you wonder how I feel as I write this- I’ve never felt more myself- Inspired. I wonder if all the brilliant ideas I came up with worked out. I wonder what kind of a person you are. But there are a lot of things that I want to know about as well. Did you give in to the societal pressure and succumb to a 9-5 and marriage or did you retain your rebellious side and are travelling with the world at your feet. Did you figure out how to sustain yourself financially while being location independent? But most importantly are you happy where you are? I so want you to have achieved everything you longed for and find the answers you’re seeking- because just maybe that’s just the push I need to continue what I’m doing right now.
Your younger self
What are the most essential things in your bag whenever you go travelling somewhere?
I can never go anywhere without my glasses, my set of Reusable Steel Straws, my Bamboo Toothbrush
(You never know when Aunt Flo may come knocking), my Bamboo Toothbrush
, a good Book, a camera and a notepad (apart from the usual essentials Clothes, Shoes, etc.). Since I work remotely, I’ll always have a Laptop and Phone with me.
Do you have any unique, awkward, or creepy experience when it comes to staying at a hotel or other accommodation? Where did that happen and please tell me about it? E.g. your roommates had sex while you were trying to sleep at a hostel, etc.
Haha, this one is a tough one to answer because I’d probably be the roommate getting that action (You know what I mean ;P); but I make sure I am not an inconvenience to others. On a serious note, travelling in India is safe; but just don’t be naive because though the majority of people are good, the grim newspapers aren’t completely off. There exists evil like any other place and you will come across creepy incidents from time to time.
If you could change a thing from your current life, what would that be?
If there is anything I wish for, it is for my leg to be normal again. I can achieve and work for anything else in life, but I’d give anything to run, dance and hike like before. An advice for everyone reading, please make sure you love and take care of your body; sure it’s just a suit but it’s the only one you’ll get for the rest of your life. And in no condition abuse or let it be abused. Your body is constantly trying to mend you (healing those wounds and scars), so it’s your duty to reward it (workout is the best gift you’ll ever give it).
Imagine if the time machine is finally invented, which era would you travel to and why? If you could do anything about it, what would that be and why?
Oh, if only the time machine would finally be invented. Instead of travelling to the future I’d probably want to visit the past. Something about the power to revisit the moments that happened and is forever lost, only alive in memories and words of people. I’d love to live in the Jazz age; a time so magical just before the war hit the world; with their balls and dances; I think I’d blend in just fine. But considering my ethnicity and gender I wonder if I would be as free as I am now. We know well-off people who meddle with history right? It’s important we remain mere spectators of events and not take part in them in any major way. Because one moment changed from the past and the present we live today won’t be the same. Nor will the people. Oh, and it’s worth mentioning that please don’t kill your grandfather and definitely not Hitler. (BONUS- Read about time travel paradoxes here).
My Nominees
- Amina from Vogue, Velvet, Vibes, lifestyle blogger, with love for fashion, beauty and Interior Design.
- Kat and Phil from Staying Afloat, two marine biologists who live, work and play on the water.
- Debbie from Traveler Wows, a mom, wife, travel blogger and a rockstar in general, through my eyes!
- Amanda from Mi Vida En Medellín, she writes a bilingual lifestyle blog which deals with life in Medellín, with a focus on providing recommendations, tips, information and more.
- Melodie from Travel With Melodie, a resident of Miami, Florida and a native of Arkansas, moved away a few years ago and left her 9-5 job to explore the world!
- Lacey from The Pretend Adult, who lives with her cat Fawkes and struggles with mental health but is doing well coping. well you have all my love girl!
- 3TravelBug, 3 university students from the UK, to show you that even on small budgets it’s still possible to experience the world in the most amazing ways.
- Simon from Where’s The Warrens?, who retired from an 8-5 desk job and has been travelling since with his wife.
- Barbara from Easynomic Italian Food, who lived the first half of her life in Tuscany; where she learnt to cook traditional Italian food. Now she continues her Italian cooking in UK but using English products.
- Aaliyah from Aaliyah Holt, a variety blogger who blogs about mental health, autism, YouTube, art/photography.
Questions for my nominees
- What have you learned about yourself from travelling or life in general?
- What’s the best advice you’ve received in your life?
- What’s the advice you always give to people in tough times?
- What type of traveller do you believe you are?
- Which book, movie or telly show do you connect with the most?
- Name one materialistic desire/object you can’t give up?
- Despite all our differences, what according to you is that “One Thing” that unites every person on this planet?
- How do you reward yourself after accomplishing a goal?
- Are you an adventurous with your food choices? Name the most unusual thing you’ve consumed and name something you won’t eat.
- What do you believe is the significance of human connections?
- Which language or culture (excluding your own) do you admire and why?
3 responses
Thank you for the nomination Prernana!💖
And for the difficult questions too…😜 I love the 3d graphic of your ” about me”…
Wonderful answers Prerana! Thanks so much for the nomination! 😊